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Reiki Healing

Chronic Pain Relief.  Stress Relief. Goal Manifestation

Is your body, mind and/or soul longing to experience the deep relaxation of a Reiki Session? 

Reiki is a multi-faceted spiritual energy that can be utilized to help people with meditation practices, spiritual growth, healing relationships, manifestation of goals and more.

If our Life Force is low or blocked, it impacts our well-being and personal health. Reiki brings the body back into balance on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, to promote healing.

Reiki sessions can help:
- Reduce Anxiety, Chronic PainStress
- Improve Energy, Clarity, Sleep
- and more...

During my Reiki sessions, you will also benefit from Soul Coaching, shamanic and meditation tools, which will help you maintain the results in between sessions. 

In person or via Zoom.

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Soul Coaching - In Person or Online

Inner Wisdom. Clarity. Inner Peace

During a soul coaching session:

•We will allow the body to express its unique wisdom. A wisdom that has not been conditioned by the mind and that is always there to be listened to. A wisdom that opens a window to our soul.

•With guided meditation, you will tune into the energies which emerge from your unique internal landscape.

Soul Coaching is for you if…

•You are new to meditation or you would like to deepen your meditation practice;

•You experience any ongoing physical or emotional discomfort;

•You are curious about being more present in your truth within yourself and in relationships

In person or via Zoom.

Online Sessions

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Online Sessions are available and are s effective as In Person Sessions.

Book a complementary discovery call to lern how we can work together!

Customized Retreats for individuals/Small Groups in the Sacred Valley, Peru

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Online Sessions

Online Sessions are available and are s effective as In Person Sessions.

Book a complementary discovery call to lern how we can work together!


Customized Retreats for individuals/Small Groups in the Sacred Valley, Peru

Let's journey together through ceremony, meditation, Shamanic practices, and rejuvenating sessions including massage and Reiki.

The shift that emerges from immersing into newly experienced vibrations opens doors to new perspectives and hidden possibilities, guiding us towards alignment with our true selves and an enhanced capacity to listen to our inner truth.

Creating a safe space where every client feels welcomed is my ultimate aim. This sacred space allows both body and spirit to embrace and absorb the gifts that plant medicine and energy work offer.

With a decade-long journey on this path, I'm thrilled to offer tailored individual/couples/small group retreats in the Sacred Valley, Perú.

These experiences are crafted to meet your specific needs and they always honor the land, the people of the land, the Andean Cosmovision, and the four directions.

Your retreat might encompass meditation, Reiki, massages, Shamanic Prayer, tantra teachings, Andean Cosmovision insights, yoga, cacao ceremonies, soulful singing, spa treatments, and more, all according to your preferences.

Some aspects are facilitated by me, while others, like plant medicine ceremonies, are conducted by cherished and trusted experts close to my heart.

Reach out for a heart-to-heart conversation, so that together, we can create a uniquely transformative experience aligned with your intentions

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Ceremonies and Workshops for your event or retreat

A few past workshops: ​

  • Uncover the body's inner wisdom - Easing body pains and aches

  • Inspired by Andean Ancient Shamanic Practices

    • Shamanic Prayer - The four directions guidance to higher vibrations

    • Reconnecting to the Inner Fire, Embodied gratitude and Sacred Anger 

    • Rapeh Ceremonies

    • Cacao Ceremonies

  • Meditation and healing circles 


Contact me for customized ceremony or workshop

A few past workshops: 

  • Uncover the body inner wisdom - Easing body pains and aches

  • Inspired by Andean Ancient Shamanic Practices

    • Shamanic Prayer - The four directions guidance to higher vibrations

    • Reconnecting to the Inner Fire, Embodied gratitude and Sacred Anger 

    • Rapeh Ceremonies

    • Cacao Ceremonies

  • Meditation and healing circles 


Contact me for customized ceremony or workshop

Elena Dabul is a compassionate and devoted sacred medicine retreat facilitator who supports people on transformative journeys of healing and self-discovery.


Elena integrates ancient wisdom with contemporary practices to create a sacred space for profound healing and spiritual development. She has a rich expertise in several modalities, including Reiki, Soul Coaching, Somatic and Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic Practices and the Andean cosmovision.

Elena’s extensive knowledge of Andean Shamanism and Cosmovision provides the groundwork for her supporting you in your sacred medicine ceremonies, working with powerful plant medicines that have been used for centuries to access deep realms of healing and consciousness expansion.


Showing you how to approach these ceremonies with great respect and humility, how to weave in soulful prayers honoring the wisdom of the elements and plants, and take the practice into your daily life is her biggest asset.

Elena skillfully guides participants in the integration process, knowing that it is an essential aspect of the Journey. Her one-on-one integration sessions infused with Somatic Meditation, Soul coaching, Shamanic healing tools, and Reiki among other tools are individually tailored. Together with group circles,  they provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to explore their inner landscapes. 

Elena’s intuitive guidance, extensive knowledge and compassionate presence allow for a space where you trust the process to release what no longer serves you and explore the depths of your being. She creates a deeply transformative, and empowering retreat experience. Experience a journey of profound healing, spiritual awakening, and soulful integration when you embark on a sacred medicine retreat with Elena Dabul.

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Recent Testimonials

Elena's intuition, energy and connection create an atmosphere of transformation and healing. As a long-time ICU nurse, mother , daughter I have carried hurt and painful memories. Especially during the last couple of years with the pandemic. Elena's sessions help me to connect to those feeling and work to accept them and heal. As a Reiki and a Soul Coach practitioner I sense deep connections not only with me but also with important people from my past. I always leave our sessions lighter and more at peace. Beautiful Soul.

Jasna T.

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Interested in learning more? Let's be in touch

Are you looking for a more holistic approach to your well being or simply want to feel restored and rebalanced? Get in touch to book a consultation.

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